Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hearing Damage

I like to take pictures of my work as I go. It helps me overcome the wall that I always face whenever I am continually working on a piece. It's similar to writer's block. I usually will print off images of my work, glue them into my sketchbook and draw all over it with whatever ideas come to my head next. It's an easy non-committal way of moving to the next step. These pictures are the most current of my painting from when I worked on it in class on Monday. We have a new project coming up that I really need to get started on. We have to make a work using "mapping." I'm not really sure what I want yet. 

This semester has been really stressful. Though I made it into the BFA on my first try, it wasn't without a lot of work and stress. I still can't believe I made it in. I feel really accomplished because it has been something I have thought about for over two years. A lot has changed since August, like my major! I was going into Art Education, but then I decided that it wasn't for me. It seemed more like a back-up plan than what my heart was into. My heart is in making art. I want to get an MFA, and focus more on studio time. I'm not ready to teach.

oh yeah Nicole. Hammie Appreciation!
that's all :)

1 comment:

Nicole Woodruff said...

I love your bloggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are an amazing artist! GO HAMMIES!!!!!!!!!!