Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The abolition of man


Today I started working on my "mapping" piece. I decided to use a big sheet of Lenox paper and draw sections of maps of where I have lived in my life. I am going to be will be nice working on something a little smaller and not canvas. Don't get me wrong, I love working big. BUT, I need a break :/ I think this project will be good for me for a number of reasons. 1) It's different than what I have been doing all semester. 2) It will force me to reflect on myself and my life, which I have been doing as of late anyway. I have been thinking a lot about what makes I am going to incorporate some text and imagery derived from events that have impacted my life; making it really personal. It will still be abstract, hopefully, and nobody else will really understand what it all means, but it will be therapeutic for me.

I did some more work on my self portrait today too. It's coming together but I still have to spend more time on it. Most likely will be in the studio this weekend. It sounds reclusive and odd, but I really like working at night all by myself. I can spend hours just painting away. I feel like when I am by myself I can relax and open up and just focus on the painting. Throughout the day when there are people in the studio with me it gets distracting. Especially people that like to sing-a-long to their death music...BLEH. I like metal at times but I don't share it with the world when everyone is trying to do their own thing!

This semester has been really challenging for me. Thank goodness it is Thanksgiving Break next week. I need to relax and spend some time with my family. My dad is coming home and I'm really excited to see him. At least next semester won't be as bad with 4 classes instead of 5. Although, I do have BFA seminar so that will probably be as time consuming as 2 studio classes. Yay.

I'm really excited where my art is going. I feel like my ideas are really starting to come together and my concepts are starting to develop. It's kind of weird because they just surface on their own. You can't really force and idea into a painting or a drawing. It just happens. The more I work the more I realize that. If you aren't an artist and are reading this you will have no idea what the heck I am talking about. It's all good though, this is more for me anyway :P

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