Friday, August 12, 2011

Losing My Mind

I did it.

I made an animation using the figure and my forms. It took me many hours and isn't the grandest stop-motion ever made, but I finished it...for now.

I really just began playing with the idea of stop motion, and then a little narrative surfaced. I am pleased that the thought patterns of my work lately is surfacing in this little video. It's fun, a little creepy, but visually appealing. I am not sure why I titled it "Losing My Mind." Sometimes I feel like the main character does. The sky seems to be falling all around you and you feel as if you might lose your head. My goal for this video was simply to making my objects interact with person and environment, and to see what I could do with animation. Make it any narrative you wish, but I enjoyed bringing forms to life.

I foresee more stop motion in my future.  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You or Me

Tuesday (August 9th) Nicole and I painted at the BFA house for a couple hours. It was pretty wonderful and I wish we spent more time there this summer. I tried to finish my self portrait that I started working on a few sessions ago, but just kept getting frustrated. Nicole started on a self portrait and it looks amazing. I wish I could paint the figure like she does. I always give up. 

I set the self portrait aside and started on a painting that I have wanted to do for a long time - a study of one of Maria Lassnig's works. I chose her piece, "You or Me." It kind of fits my mentality of 'disgusting' picture making at the moment, and I learning a lot about her color choices and the way she applies her paint. I think my technique is naturally similar to hers, hence why I enjoy her work so much. 

Today, Emily and I met up for dinner and had a good discussion --mostly about art, and how we miss Venice. We also talked about the show we want to do together in the Fall. We decided to plan for November. I am really excited and I hope we can make it happen. We were talking about her work and I mentioned to her the animation of hers titled "Pea Pod," that I found on youtube, and it inspired me to REALLY work with animation. 

I have been saying I want to do it for so long with my abstract forms, I just need to do it already...

...So I am starting tonight.