Sunday, December 12, 2010


It's been awhile since I've been able to post anything new. The final weeks of school got busy with finals, moving into a new apartment, and everything else you can think of. I'm done and it feels so good to have a break!

This is what my mapping project looks like, though since I took this picture I have changed a few things and added my signature "striping" :)

I need to do some more work on it. I want to keep going with the idea of mapping myself in this abstract way. I really enjoyed this project and found it easy to let my ideas flow with it. I need to keep working on this one though and make the sections a little bit more different. It was fun to work with these colors but I think for the next one I want to use more subtle colors.

I also need to keep working on my big self portrait. I haven't put a lot of time into that lately and need to get going on it again. There is a student exhibition at school in January that I would like to enter it in, along with my mapping piece, and the painting I did at the beginning of the semester. Hopefully I can win! That would be amazing. This week I'm going to the studio on Tuesday to paint. I have nothing else to do all day so that will be good to spend a few hours there. Nicole and I are also going to paint on Thursday, so two days in the studio this week! I really want to finish these two before school starts again. There's another competition I want to enter in for a cover art contest, but I need to finish the book first. The book is called "The Unfastened Heart." It's ok, a little slow and I haven't really gotten into anything interesting yet. But I want to do the competition and entries are due at the end of the month.

Next semester I am taking BFA Seminar. I need to start coming up with project ideas for the semester. I'm kind of nervous, but, I just need to put the time into it I guess.