Saturday, July 30, 2011


At any given time, life throws you a curveball.

I am at the mercy of my art. I have invested time into nothing else but it (a little untrue, but not wholly). This is truly all that I want: to make art; but I am really letting myself get down about the other "skills" I don't have, or jobs I will never get.

I can do anything but I can't do everything.

I am at a point in my life where I want something new.
I am ready for change.
Call it my quarter-life crisis.
I am ready to throw everything else out the window.
I am ready to dive into the abyss of art making.

What have I got to lose?

I am screaming at the top of my lungs for new doors to open for me. I guess I have to keep pushing forward.

I started a self portrait this week. I felt like I was being reincarnated. Pushing paint around on canvas gives me freedom, and when I don't do it for awhile, I start to feel enslaved by reality. I have been reading as well. That releases tension.

My portrait, even though I haven't looked at Lassnig's work in a few weeks, resembles her figures. I want to make "disgusting" pictures. I am tired of being nice. I am finding myself interested in the person-object-environment relationship. I thought about making my self portrait disproportionate, but haven't found a reason to...yet.

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