Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On a high...

Two of my works got into the student exhibition today! I'm super excited and surprised that two out of three made it. I am even more surprised that Nicole didn't get any of her works in. I definitely think hers should have been in over a bunch of stuff that I saw. Keep your chin up Nicole! There are plenty of more shows to get into :)

This is one of the paintings I worked on today. The camera doesn't really do it justice, it looked better in person. Anyway, just wanted to show the flow I'm going through...

Today was a really good day. I went to school and painted for three hours and got about 3 small paintings kind of finished. Then I went to Lowes and got some masonite and got it cut in 3 panels to paint on for some of my seminar pieces. Hopefully I can start on those by the end of the week. Then I came home and cleaned and cooked a delicious meal. I went shopping and then I went to Pilates, and now I'm sitting here on the couch drinking a glass of wine and updating my bloggy. I love days off of everything!

I have been getting back on an "art high." It's becoming fun to paint again and I enjoy going to the studio even when I don't have to be there just to paint the day away. I have been reading about some artists and playing in my sketchbook. It's good to be an artist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly, I'm reading your bloggy!Very cool. Your painting is muy fantstico! I love the colors.